On Tue, May 23, 2006 at 05:23:16PM +0200, Andreas Joseph Krogh wrote:
> Hi all.
> I've experienced several times that PG has died somehow and the 
> postmaster.pid 
> file still exists 'cause PG hasn't had the ability to delete it upon proper 
> shutdown. Upon start-up, after such an incidence, PG tells me another PG is 
> running and that I either have to shut down the other instance, or delete the 
> postmaster.pid file if there really isn't an instance running. This seems 
> totally unnecessary to me. Why doesn't PG use file-locking to tell if another 
> PG is running or not? If PG holds an exclusive-lock on the pid-file and the 
> process crashes, or shuts down, then the lock(which is process-based and 
> controlled by the kernel) will be removed and another PG which tries to start 
> up can detect that. Using the existence of the pid-file as the only evidence 
> gives too many false positives IMO.

Well, maybe you could tweak postgres startup script, add check for post
master (either 'pgrep postmaster' or 'ps -axu | grep [p]ostmaster'), and
delete pid file on negative results.


PID=`pgrep -f /usr/bin/postmaster`;

if [[ $PID ]]; then
    echo "'$PID'";
    # postgres is already running
    echo "Postmaster is not running";
    # delete stale PID file

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