Tom Lane wrote:
> Tino Wildenhain <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> Ok, but why not just implement this into pg_dump or psql?
>> Why bother the backend with that functionality?
> You're not seriously suggesting we reimplement evaluation of WHERE clauses
> on the client side, are you?

no, did I? But what is wrong with something like:

\COPY 'SELECT foo,bar,baz FROM footable WHERE baz=5 ORDER BY foo' TO

which would just run the query (in the backend of course) and
format the output just like copy would...

I mean, ok, when its in the backend, its fine too (beside the
data expansion if you dont implement compression...)
but I thougt implementing in the frontend would be easier...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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