On Jun 11, 2006, at 10:57 , Jim C. Nasby wrote:

On Sun, Jun 11, 2006 at 10:18:11AM +0900, Michael Glaesemann wrote:

Under design I proposed, closed-closed and closed-open are just two
different representations of the same range: to the commonly used
notation, the closed-open range [p1, p2) is equivalent to the closed-
closed range [p1, next(p2)], where next() is the successor function.

Why try messing aronud with a successor function when you can just use <
instead of <= ?

If I understand you correctly, you're pointing out that the constraints for a valid range in closed-closed and closed-open representation are different:

for a valid closed-open range r1 [a1, b1), a1 < b1
for a valid closed-closed range r2 [a2, b2], a2 <= b2

That's different from being able to show equivalence between two ranges in different representations, e.g., r1 = r2 iff a1 = a2 and b1 = next(b2). As Bruno pointed out earlier, in some cases, a closed- open representation is desirable, and I think that in others, such as date ranges, a closed-closed representation is useful. Another place where I'd use a closed-closed representation would be for describing score ranges for grades (e.g., 70-79 is a C, 80-89 is a B). I'm not sure how to go about converting between these two representations without using a successor (or predecessor) function.

Another way of looking at not having a successor function is not restricting ranges to be comprised of discrete point types. In that case, you can't really use closed-closed representation at all (or open-open, for that matter), because the successor function is necessary to define the meets and before predicates, or to convert between closed-closed and closed-open representations, if one is using closed-open representation internally.

Another wrinkle in cases without a defined successor function is boundary cases: ranges that include one or both of the bounds of the point type. For example, with a closed-open representation, a range can't include the upper bound of the point type. Perhaps a way around this would be to allow infinity as a possible value: the date range ['2006-06-11', 'infinity') would describe a range from June 11, 2006 through the upper bound of the date type (5874897-12-31 on my machine, though interestingly enough:

postgres=# SELECT '5874897-12-31'::date;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT '5874897-12-31'::date + 2;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT '5874898-01-02'::date;
ERROR:  date out of range: "5874898-01-02"
postgres=# SELECT ('5874897-12-31'::date + 2)::date;
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT '5874897-12-31'::date + interval '2 days';
29357-07-06 15:41:44.48384
(1 row)

postgres=# SELECT ('5874897-12-31'::date + interval '2 days')::date;
(1 row)

postgres=# select version();
version ------------------------------------------------------------------------ ---------------------------------------------------------------------- PostgreSQL 8.1.4 on powerpc-apple-darwin8.6.0, compiled by GCC powerpc-apple-darwin8-gcc-4.0.1 (GCC) 4.0.1 (Apple Computer, Inc. build 5341)
(1 row)

That looks a bit odd. :(

Also, a successor function is very useful in testing other predicates. To keep things simpler, I'm going to use the same representation for both ranges, as internally you'd probably convert the ranges to some canonical representation for comparison. Whether that canonical representation is closed-closed, closed-open, or a point and an interval doesn't really matter.

Practically, I think being able to use both closed-closed and closed- open representations as needed is useful, and for most purposes, the types can be considered discrete and bounded. Is there a lot to be gained by not defining a successor function?

Michael Glaesemann
grzm seespotcode net

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