I assume by 'univocal' you mean unequivocal.

Can you set it up in a table per server? or in a file? or would you rather use a guuid?

And how is this to be made available?

And is it to be unique per machine, or per cluster (since you can have many postgresql clusters on one machine).



Giampaolo Tomassoni wrote:


I'm looking for a way to univocally identify the server on which a sql function 
or statement is running. My idea would be something close to the value returned 
by a 'host -f' under linux: the FQDN of the host, but even a serial code or a 
number would be fine to me. It needs only to be immutable, I guess.

I know there is something suitable under Oracle and, even worse, under mysql...

The purpose is mostly related to a light replication problem I have, in which I 
need to 'emulate' a multi-master replication on a table.

I placed a question on the IRC list and I found a couple of unreplied messages 
asking the same thing in the pgsql-general list.

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