> > These sort of solutions, IMHO, don't show how good PostgreSQL is, but show
> > where it is very lacking.
> We all know Postgres is lacking; some of us try to improve it (some with
> more success than others).  People who know the current limitations but
> like the capabilities, try to find workarounds to the problems. What
> surprises me is that, if you have such a low opinion of Postgres, you
> still use it.

Alvaro, I understand your reaction, you're on the developer side... but
please try to understand us mortals who can't write good C code too:
some of us like what postgres already offers, but we would also like to
not need those workarounds. And the only thing we can do is make big
noise so somebody from the other side (sour side) will notice it and at
one point do something about it... the noise here by no means means we
have a low opinion about postgres. On the contrary, we appreciate enough
postgres and it's developers to ask for what we would like to see, and
we are sure there are some gifted developers out there who can program
those features we scream about...


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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