on IRC somebody mentioned that it took >34h to greate a GIN index (on a tsvector) on a ~3 Million column table (wikipedia dump) with a reasonable speced box (AMD 3400+). After getting hold of a dump of said table (around 4,1GB in size) I managed to get the following timings:
test=# CREATE INDEX idxFTI_idx ON wikipedia USING gist(vector); CREATE INDEX Time: 416122.896 ms so about 7 minutes - sounds very reasonable test=# CREATE INDEX idxFTI2_idx ON wikipedia USING gin(vector); CREATE INDEX Time: 52681605.101 ms ouch - that makes for a whoppy 14,6hours(!). During that time the box is completely CPU bottlenecked and during virtually no IO at all - (varing maintainance_work_mem does not seem to make any noticable difference). That box is a fast Dual Opteron 2.6Ghz with 8GB RAM and a 4 disk RAID10 for the WAL and 12 disks for the data running a very recent -HEAD checkout ... It looks like we still don't have any docs for GIN in the tree so I don't know if those timings are expected or not ... Stefan ---------------------------(end of broadcast)--------------------------- TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster