I'm unqualified to comment on the server side design, but I was wondering if there was consensus on how the client interface to the debugger would work. From previous threads I saw DBGP mentioned (http://xdebug.org/docs-dbgp.php), but I don't recall seeing any final commitment to it.
The patch that I'll be submitting for 8.2 will implement a way to instrument PL/pgSQL (and that idea can be extended to other PL languages). 'Instrumentation' can mean different things - it may be a debugger, a profiler, a coverage analyzer, a tracer, ... EnterpriseDB has developed a few plugins that we'll be contributing soon (a debugger, a profiler, and a tracer). The debugger is by far the largest plugin that we've developed and we implemented it before we had the idea to use a modular architecture (we're still in the process of converting the debugger to modular form, at the moment it's pretty heavily integrated into the PL/pgSQL interpreter). As soon as we get a patch in for the plugin architecture, we'll open-source at least one or two of the plugins so others can use them and/or write more (the debugger will take a little longer). That means that we (i.e. the community) haven't made a firm commitment to the debugger client protocol. I can tell you a little about the protocol that we are currently using, but it may change by the time we're ready to open-source the debugger. I gave a presentation at the anniversary summit that described the overall architecture and also showed the client/server protocol - the slides and audio should be available at the conference web site "real soon now". The most important part, from your perspective (assuming that you might want to add a debugger to pgEdit), is the method that a debugger client application uses to interact with the debugger server. That's done through a collection of server-side functions that you can call from any libpq application. For example, to set a breakpoint, you would:

SELECT * FROM pldbg_set_breakpoint( sessionHandle, functionOID, lineNumber, processID );

to step/over:

   SELECT * FROM pldbg_step_over( sessionHandle );

to step/into:

   SELECT * FROM pldbg_step_into( sessionHandle );

to get a copy of all local variables:

   SELECT * FROM pldbg_get_variables( sessionHandle, stackFrame );

and so on. There are a few functions that you can call to attach your debugger client to a target server and to set global breakpoints.

I'll be posting more information as we get closer to releasing this stuff.
            -- Korry

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TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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