Hello Christopher,

I remember Bruce pushing towards a 'PostgreSQL Development Group'-statement about replication solutions for PostgreSQL. AFAIK, there is a lot of uncertainty about replication solutions and I think it would be a good thing to give people some guidance. I think in a FAQ or such we should cover these type of questions:

- Can I configure a standby server for hot-failover?

- Can I do load-balancing?

- What kind of replication is possible with PostgreSQL, what do the different solutions implement?

- What's the development status of Slony-II?, of Postgres-R, PgCluster, etc...

- What's the difference between Slony-II and Postgres-R?

Where on the website do we put such a FAQ? Or should some of these questions be part of the main FAQ?



Christopher Browne wrote:
Quoth Markus Schiltknecht <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>:
at the code sprint, we agreed to put together some documentation about
current and upcoming replication solutions for PostgreSQL. Is somebody
already working on that?

I don't recall that anyone expressly agreed to do so; I'll see if I
can, this week...

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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