Our database has about 700 objects (tables,views, stored functions, types etc), we want to make a change on a view or tables, it said that there were a lot of depended obejcts. I know that depended object must be dropped and then created to solve this. But, It has too many dependecies to drop.

It will be nice to all, if PostgreSQL database objects has an state (valid/invalid) like Oracle has. Depended objects states are changed to invalid if any changes would make to the objects that are referenced by them.

   For example ;

Assuming, we have a table named "T" and a view named "W". We wanna change on a column table "T", it will said that view "W" depended on it. If the database would has a lot of dependecies then the problem will never be solved. In my opinion, we let the changes on table "T" then must change the state the view "W" to invalid.

       Of course, i dont know if this is possible..

       I hope this is not a nice dream :-)

Best regards

ASRIN Bilisim Ltd.

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