Ron Mayer wrote:
>> We have not had that many cases where lack of
>> communication was a problem.
> One could say too much communication was the problem this time.
> I get the impression people implied they'd do something on a TODO
> and didn't.  Arguably the project had been better off if noone
> had claimed the TODO, so if another company/team/whatever needed
> the feature badly, they could have worked on it themselves rather
> than waiting in hope of the feature.   Of course they could have
> done this anyway - but if they see it on an implied roadmap document
> for the next release they're more likely to wait.

This is just perverse. Surely you are not seriously suggesting that we
should all develop in secret and then spring miracles fully grown on the
community? We have bumped patches before because they have done things
without discussing them, and were found not to be accepatble. The more
complex features get, the more communication is needed.



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