On Aug 11 12:51, Greg Sabino Mullane wrote:
> > think it would be quite handy to be able to gather information about
> > a prepared stmt in later phases of an application. For instance one
> > might need to get the parameter and row types of a prepared query
> > that he/she isn't created.
> Prepared statements are not visible nor survivable outside of your
> session, so this doesn't really make sense. If your application needs
> the information, it can get it at prepare time.

What about persistent connections? Actually, I can give lots of corner
cases to support my idea but they're not that often used. I think, as
long as we'll break compatibility, placing Describe facility in the
PQprepare() is not the way to go.

> >> Anyone have a need to get the result type info during PQprepare?
> > I don't think so. And if one would ever need such an information, can
> > reach it quite easily via PQdescribePrepared().
> That's a good point, however, along with your other arguments. :) I
> could live with either way.

I'm just declined to break current PQprepare() or to introduce new
PGresult-processor functions for a feature (IMHO) that needs its own
function. But the general use case is the main fact that'll say the last


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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