On Wednesday 30 August 2006 05:12, Devrim GUNDUZ wrote:
> Hello,
> Yesterday night, I was approved (sponsored) for Fedora Core packaging
> (please note that this is not something financial).
> For the beginning, I officially submitted python-psycopg2 to FC6. More
> are on the way; like pgpool, Slony-I, pgadmin3-adminpacks, phpPgAdmin,
> postgresql_autodoc, pgfouine. Also they are in the queue for FC5. I'm
> waiting for approval for them.
> More will be in FC Extras. Please let me know that if you want to see
> any PostgreSQL related software in the repository. I do have time to
> package all related stuff.

Any chance at getting some of the non-core pl langs in ? 

Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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