
Thanks for the feedback. We'll run a few tests with differing buffer and
lock partition sizes in the range you're interested in and we'll let you
know what we see.

Our workload is not fixed, however. Our benchmark does not follow the
strict TPC-C guideline of using think times etc. We throw as many
transactions at the database as we can. So, when any time is freed up,
we will fill it with another transaction. We simply want to stress as
much as we can. As one bottleneck is removed, the time saved obviously
flows to the next. 

Postgres 8.2 moves some of the time that used to be consumed by single
BufMappingLock and LockMGRLock locks to the WALInsertLock lock. We have
run tests where we made XLogInsert a NOP, because we wanted to see where
the next bottleneck would be, and some of the time occupied by
WALInsertLock lock was absorbed by the SInvalLock lock. We have not
tried to remove the SInvalLock lock to see where time flows to next, but
we might.


-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] 
Sent: Tuesday, September 12, 2006 9:40 AM
To: Strong, David
Cc: PostgreSQL-development
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] Lock partitions 

"Strong, David" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> When using 16 buffer and 16 lock partitions, we see that BufMapping
> takes 809 seconds to acquire locks and 174 seconds to release locks.
> LockMgr takes 362 seconds to acquire locks and 26 seconds to release
> locks.

> When using 128 buffer and 128 lock partitions, we see that BufMapping
> takes 277 seconds (532 seconds improvement) to acquire locks and 78
> seconds (96 seconds improvement) to release locks. The LockMgr takes
> seconds (127 seconds improvement) to acquire locks and 22 seconds (4
> seconds improvement) to release locks.

While I don't see any particular penalty to increasing
significant penalty (increasing PGPROC size as well as the work needed
during LockReleaseAll, which is executed at every transaction end).
I think 128 lock partitions is probably verging on the ridiculous
... particularly if your benchmark only involves touching half a dozen
tables.  I'd be more interested in comparisons between 4 and 16 lock
partitions.  Also, please vary the two settings independently rather
than confusing the issue by changing them both at once.

> With the improvements in the various locking times, one might expect
> improvement in the overall benchmark result. However, a 16 partition
> produces a result of 198.74 TPS and a 128 partition run produces a
> result of 203.24 TPS.

> Part of the time saved from BufMapping and LockMgr partitions is
> absorbed into the WALInsertLock lock. For a 16 partition run, the
> time to lock/release the WALInsertLock lock is 5845 seconds. For 128
> partitions, the WALInsertLock lock takes 6172 seconds, an increase of
> 327 seconds. Perhaps we have our WAL configured incorrectly?

I fear this throws your entire measurement procedure into question.  For
a fixed workload the number of acquisitions of WALInsertLock ought to be
fixed, so you shouldn't see any more contention for WALInsertLock if the
transaction rate didn't change materially.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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