The following is a proposal for work I'd like to do to force long-running backend processes to reprepare their prepared statements. It would be used in cases where the user knows they have made a database change that will invalidate an existing prepared statement.
I look forward to comments from the community.
I propose creating a new system administration function to force repreparation of prepared statements in all backends. The functionality could be extended to include re-initialization of other kinds of "per-backend" data.

This proposal addresses, to some degree, the prepare-alter-exec issue discussed in various mailing list postings, and the following wish-list item:

# Invalidate prepared queries, like INSERT, when the table definition is altered

However, the solution would only be partial, as it would be the responsibility of database clients to call the system administration function when needed. Alternately, additional integration work could be done to invoke this logic automatically whenever the columns of any table are altered.

Here is what I propose:

We define a new system administration function called pg_reload_per_backend_data. This function would work much like pg_reload_conf, i.e. it would require superuser privileges and would work by sending a signal to the postmaster that would then be propagated to all the child backends (but not the special ones, like the bgwriter). The signal handling logic for the backends would be modified to respond to the signal by reinitializing any data cached in the backend's memory space, such as prepared statements. Each kind of data that would be reinitialized would require special logic, as they would all be reinitialized in their own particular way.

Choosing an appropriate signal to send might be difficult, as the list of available signals is somewhat restricted. The "user-defined" signals would be a natural choice, but it appears SIGUSR1 is used for "sinval" or catchup events, while SIGUSR2 is used for asynchronous notification. Use of the "real time" signals (signal numbers >= 32) might be possible, but could have portability problems. Another alternative would be to overload SIGHUP, so that it causes both configuration reloads and reloading of per-backend data. This makes some sense, since most configuration parameters are basically a special form of per-backend data. However, changing the behavior of an existing signal might have undesirable side effects. Overall, I'm very open to suggestions regarding the appropriate signal to use.

To implement the repreparation logic, a new function called RepreparePreparedStatements() could be added to source files backend/commands/prepare.[ch]. This function would be called by a signal handler installed the backends within backend/tcop/postgres.c. RepreparePreparedStatements would do the equivalent of iterating over the prepared_queries hash table and executing DropPreparedStatement() and PrepareQuery on each. However, it is possible that some refactoring of the logic would be needed to improve performance and make the code more robust.

The scope of pg_reload_per_backend_data could also be expanded to include reinitialization of other data that resides in the memory space of individual backend processes. An example of such cached entities are reusable modules associated with a particular procedural language, e.g. the TCL modules found in the table pltcl_modules. Once a such a module is used in a particular backend, it remains held in backend memory and changes to the disk version are not noticed. There is also no way to undefine any global variables associated with such modules.

I have not given much consideration to the implementation for reloading modules, but doing the equivalent of the SQL command "LOAD '<libname>' for all dynamically loaded libraries should have the desired effect (at least it does for the library that implements the PL/TCL language, Perhaps the the general response should be to reload any libraries that have been dynamically-loaded by the particular backend.

Here are few permutations of this plan that could be considered:

1. Bundle pg_reload_per_backend_data functionality with pg_reload_conf.

Pros: Avoids having to find an appropriate unused signal
     Logical consistancy with reloading config, which could be considered a
     special case of reloading per-backend data.
Cons: Changes behavior of an existing functionality, which has the risk of
     unintended side-effects.
Gives less fine-grained control over when per-backend data is reloaded.

2. Break pg_reload_per_backend_data functional into multiple functions.

Pros: Can assign more descriptive names to the functionality, e.g.
     pg_reload_ddl, pg_reprepare_statements, etc.
     Finer grained control over which kind of reloading is performed.
Cons: Require more use of the scarce list of available signals.

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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