Heikki Linnakangas wrote:
Tom Lane wrote:
Anything that involves having VACUUM re-evaluate index expressions is a
nonstarter ... or have you already forgotten the optimizations we put
into 8.2 that assume, eg, no sub-transactions within a VACUUM?

Umm, I'm afraid I have. Could you give me a clue?
I think I found it. Is this what you're talking about (in commands/vacuum.c):

        * During a lazy VACUUM we do not run any user-supplied functions,
        * and so it should be safe to not create a transaction snapshot.
        * We can furthermore set the inVacuum flag, which lets other
        * concurrent VACUUMs know that they can ignore this one while
        * determining their OldestXmin.  (The reason we don't set inVacuum
        * during a full VACUUM is exactly that we may have to run user-
        * defined functions for functional indexes, and we want to make
        * sure that if they use the snapshot set above, any tuples it
        * requires can't get removed from other tables.  An index function
        * that depends on the contents of other tables is arguably broken,
        * but we won't break it here by violating transaction semantics.)
        * Note: the inVacuum flag remains set until CommitTransaction or
        * AbortTransaction.  We don't want to clear it until we reset
        * MyProc->xid/xmin, else OldestXmin might appear to go backwards,
        * which is probably Not Good.
       MyProc->inVacuum = true;

Heikki Linnakangas
EnterpriseDB http://www.enterprisedb.com

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