Markus Schaber wrote:
Marlon Petry wrote:
But I would need to have installed pg_dump and pg_restore in machine
Without having installed pg_dump and pg_restore,how I could make

pg_dump and pg_restore should be runnable (possible with a small shell /
bash wrapper script) without any "installation", simply having them and
all neded libs lying in the current directory.

There's probably a case for having static builds of pg_dump and pg_restore around for various architectures, if only to help people out when they don't have access to a build environment etc. Either a set of static binaries on the website, or an easy way to build them from the source tree (they could then be copied to the target system).

It strikes me that Marlon hasn't really explained why he wants to use JDBC. I assume that your application is Java based, but trust me, invoking pg_dump through Runtime.exec() or whatever is going to be much, much easier than any of the other things you've suggested, such as making a pg_dump API and using JNI to call it. That's just pain city, in a bunch of ways.

Do you need to process the dump inside your program in some way? Or do you just need to store a dump and restore it later? Why the fascination with using an API?

On a unix box, when you're really crazy, and want to ignore all security
restrictions, you could even install pg_dump via inetd, and then
everyone connecting via TCP on the appropriate port gets a dump of the
database. :-)

Oh, man, my head just exploded reading that. That's taking evil and being *creative* with it. :)



---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
      choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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