> > > If you do "build solution" it should build all project sin the 
> > > correct order - there are dependency references set between them 
> > > that should take care of this automatically.
> >
> > If I do build solution it tells me "Project not selected to 
> build for 
> > this solution configuration" for all projects, then 55 
> skipped at the end.
> I clicked around a little, selected the postgres project in 
> the project list, and switched to the release configuration, 
> and now build solution works.  Hmm.

Very interesting. Never done that for me :-) I need to do some more
checking. Let me know if you figure out exactly why this happens...

> > > > Do you have any idea how to get the environment to know where 
> > > > windows.h is?  I even explicitly added the directory to the 
> > > > INCLUDE environment variable, but it did not work.  I will try 
> > > > switching to short paths in there in case it is an 
> issue of paths with spaces.
> I switched to short paths in the INCLUDE env var, but it 
> seems to just ignore it.  I'll have to look around for how to 
> deal with this, but for now perhaps the gui will work ok.  Is 
> there anything that needs to happen post-compile that may not 
> get done if I use the gui?

Nope. build.bat pretty much just calls mkvcbuild.pl (to generate the
project files), and then calls msbuild to build all the project files -
the exactly same way the GUI does it. (Or it's supposed to be exactly
the same way). Nothing more. So GUI building is just fine, just not


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 2: Don't 'kill -9' the postmaster

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