On Tue, 3 Oct 2006, Magnus Hagander wrote:

> Funky.
> Can you try having it run the dumpbin command into a tempfile, and then
> open-and-read that tempfile, to see if that makes a difference?
> (Assuming you know enough perl to do that, of course)

Doing it as
system("dumpbin /symbols $_ > $tmpfn")
still output to the console.

But, I got it to work with the attached patch to the script.  Note the use
of the handy /out:FILE parameter to dumpbin for redirecting the output ;)

Also, I changed the file glob to *.obj from * since I got an error trying
to run dumpbin on BuildLog.htm which is obviously not an object file.
Hopefully this is correct?

Q:  Why do mountain climbers rope themselves together?
A:  To prevent the sensible ones from going home.
Index: gendef.pl


RCS file: X:\\postgres\\cvsuproot/pgsql/src/tools/msvc/gendef.pl,v

retrieving revision 1.1

diff -c -r1.1 gendef.pl

*** gendef.pl   4 Sep 2006 21:30:40 -0000       1.1

--- gendef.pl   3 Oct 2006 07:20:26 -0000


*** 10,18 ****


  print "Generating $defname.DEF from directory $ARGV[0]\n";


! while (<$ARGV[0]/*>) {

      print ".";

!       open(F,"dumpbin /symbols $_|") || die "Could not open $_\n";

        while (<F>) {


                next unless /^\d/;

--- 10,23 ----


  print "Generating $defname.DEF from directory $ARGV[0]\n";


! while (<$ARGV[0]/*.obj>) {

      print ".";

!     #open(F,"dumpbin /symbols $_|") || die "Could not open $_\n";

!       s/\//\\/g;

!       system("dumpbin /symbols $_  /out:$_.syms") == 0 or die "Could not 
dumpbin $_\n";

!       my $tmpfn = "$_.syms";

!       open(F, $tmpfn) || die "Could not open $tmpfn\n";


        while (<F>) {


                next unless /^\d/;


*** 31,36 ****

--- 36,42 ----

                push @def, $pieces[6];



+       unlink $tmpfn;


  print "\n";


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 4: Have you searched our list archives?


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