Teodor Sigaev <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

> I'm working on user-defined typmod and try to move all typmod calculations 
> into
> type-specific functions. But there is a strange place:
> /*
>  *  exprTypmod -
>  *    returns the type-specific attrmod of the expression, if it can be
>  *    determined.  In most cases, it can't and we return -1.
>  */
> So, I can't understand why it's needed at all. First, it's returns length as
> typmod, second, it looks like optimization, but I don't believe in significant
> benefits... It's a constant coming from query. Am I missing something?

I think that comes into play in cases like the following:

postgres=# create table qux as (select 'foo'::bpchar, 'foo'::varchar, 
postgres=# \d qux
           Table "public.qux"
 Column  |       Type        | Modifiers 
 bpchar  | character(3)      | 
 varchar | character varying | 
 numeric | numeric           | 

Note that unlike most of the built-in types bpchar doesn't actually make much
sense without a typmod. NUMERIC, VARCHAR, etc can all exist without a typmod
and behave sensibly but bpchar without a typmod would just be a varchar. The
default for CHARACTER without a typmod is CHAR(1) which is what happens if you
do ::CHAR but I guess we don't want to do that for ::bpchar.

On the other hand I can manually create a table with a column of type bpchar
and it does behave like a varchar with strange comparison semantics so I guess
you could argue bpchar without a typmod isn't completely meaningless.

  Gregory Stark
  EnterpriseDB          http://www.enterprisedb.com

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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