On Oct 3, 2006, at 2:23 PM, Gregory Stark wrote:
If the space set aside for these transaction ids is full when you're inserting i suppose you could just go back to the FSM for another page. But I don't see any way out when you're deleting. You have to mark xmax one way or another and if there's no space left in the footer and you only have 4 bits in the tuple
what are you going to do?

As an aside doing vacuum freeze more aggressively might reduce the pressure on
these ITL slots.

But I don't see any way to guarantee a slot is available for xmax when
deleting. We would need some sort of scheme where the space for transaction ids is able to grow but we're already growing from both ends of the page. We would either have to interleave transaction ids with line pointers or store
them on another special page somewhere.

Well, worst-case you could just re-do the whole page if you need to expand the list of transaction slots; I don't think that's a huge deal. What did have me baffled was how to deal with xmax though, since (as you mentioned), you can end up in a situation where you can't delete a tuple because there's no more room on the page for another xmax.

But I just thought of a way around that which might be better than a separate store for transaction info: allow for moving a tuple off the current page by placing a link to it's new location, similar to how ctid works. We probably wouldn't want to try and cram that into the item list, but I think we should be able to create a special version of a tuple header (AddressForwardingHeader) that simply states "the tuple has moved to this new ctid; go there".

Of course, anytime you have to follow that link you're going to pay a penalty, but I think this should only be needed when trying to delete a tuple on a page that's basically full. Theoretically, there shouldn't be too many people trying to hit that deleted tuple, but to further reduce the number of people hitting it, we could include the visibility info (or a pointer to it) in the AddressForwardingHeader.
Jim Nasby                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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