Michael Paesold wrote:
>>> Mark Wong <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>>> After over a year of problems (old site
>>>> http://developer.osdl.org/markw/postgrescvs/)  I have resumed producing
>>>> daily results of dbt-2 against PostgreSQL CVS code with results here:
>>>>     http://dbt.osdl.org/dbt2.html
>>> This is good to hear!  I am curious where we are now compared to where
>>> we were a year ago ... do you still have the old data, and is the test
>>> setup still comparable?
>> The test setup is on completely different hardware.  I still have the old
>> data and it's accessible, but it'll take a little bit of work to
>> regenerate the links.  I'll try to work on that.
> I think it would also help if you would create reference runs for the
> latest 8.0 and 8.1 releases on the new hardware.

Ok, I'll try to work those in within the next couple days.


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