
Currently a "select * from pg_statio_user_tables;" displays only heap_blks_read, heap_blks_hit stats amongst others for the main relation. It would be good to have the following stats collected too. I think these stats can be used to better statistically analyze/understand the block I/O activity on the relation:

heap_blks_reused: The number of buffers returned by the FSM for use to store a new tuple in

heap_blks_extend: The number of times file extend was invoked on the relation

heap_blks_truncate: The total number of blocks that have been truncated due to vacuum activity e.g.

As an addendum to the truncate stats above, we can also have the additional following stats:

heap_blks_maxtruncate: The max block of buffers truncated in one go

heap_blks_ntruncate: The number of times truncate was called on this relation

I can come up with a patch (already have one) for the above. Any thought/comments?

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