On Fri, Oct 13, 2006 at 03:57:23PM -0700, Josh Berkus wrote:
> Jim,
> > Well, that's not what I said (my point being that until the planner and
> > stats are perfect you need a way to over-ride them)... but I've also
> > never said hints would be faster or easier than stats modification (I
> > said I hope they would).
> Yes, you did.  Repeatedly.  On this and other threads, you've made the 
> statement at least three times that per-query hints are the only way to go 
> for 8.3.   Your insistence on this view has been so strident that if I 
> didn't know you better, I would assume some kind of hidden agenda.

Let me clarify, because that's not what I meant. Right now, there's not
even a shadow of a design for anything else, and this is a tough nut to
crack. That means it doesn't appear that anything else could be done for
8.3. If I'm wrong, great. If not, we should get something in place for
users now while we come up with something better.

So, does anyone out there have a plan for how we could give user's the
ability to control the planner at a per-table level in 8.3 or even 8.4?
Jim Nasby                                            [EMAIL PROTECTED]
EnterpriseDB      http://enterprisedb.com      512.569.9461 (cell)

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