There was some discussion a couple of years ago on the -hackers list about it, so you might like to review the archives. The consensus seemed to be that behaviour would need to be set no later than createdb time. The options I thought of were:

. current postgres behaviour (we need to do this for legacy reasons, of course, as well as to keep happy the legions who hate using upper case for anything) . strictly spec compliant (same as current behaviour, but folding to upper case for unquoted identifiers rather than lower) . fully case sensitive even for unquoted identifiers (not spec compliant at all, but nevertheless possibly attractive especially for people migrating from MS SQLServer, where it is an option, IIRC).

To this you propose, as I understand it, to have a fourth possibility which would be spec compliant for comparison purposes but would label result set columns with the case preserved name originally used (or would you use the casing used in the query?).

These could be accomplished I think with a second catalog column like you suggest, in a number of places, but making sure all the code paths were covered might be somewhat laborious. We could probably add the second option without being nearly so invasive, though, and some people might feel that that would be sufficient.



Chuck McDevitt wrote:
We treated quoted identifiers as case-specific, as the spec requires.

In the catalog, we stored TWO columns... The column name with case
converted as appropriate (as PostgreSQL already does), used for looking
up the attribute,
And a second column, which was the column name with the case exactly as
entered by the user.

So, your example would work just fine.

-----Original Message-----
From: Tom Lane [mailto:[EMAIL PROTECTED] Sent: Monday, October 30, 2006 10:35 PM
To: Chuck McDevitt
Cc: beau hargis;;
Subject: Re: [HACKERS] [SQL] Case Preservation disregarding case

"Chuck McDevitt" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
At Teradata, we certainly interpreted the spec to allow
but case-insensitive, identifiers.


As I see it, the controlling parts of the SQL spec are (SQL99 sec 5.2)

        26) A <regular identifier> and a <delimited identifier> are
            equivalent if the <identifier body> of the <regular
            (with every letter that is a lower-case letter replaced by
            corresponding upper-case letter or letters) and the
            identifier body> of the <delimited identifier> (with all
            occurrences of <quote> replaced by <quote symbol> and all
            occurrences of <doublequote symbol> replaced by <double
            considered as the repetition of a <character string literal>
            that specifies a <character set specification> of
            and an implementation-defined collation that is sensitive to
            case, compare equally according to the comparison rules in
            Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".

        27) Two <delimited identifier>s are equivalent if their
            identifier body>s, considered as the repetition of a
            string literal> that specifies a <character set
            of SQL_IDENTIFIER and an implementation-defined collation
            that is sensitive to case, compare equally according to the
            comparison rules in Subclause 8.2, "<comparison predicate>".

Note well the "sensitive to case" bits there.  Now consider

        CREATE TABLE tab (
                "foobar" int,
                "FooBar" timestamp,
                "FOOBAR" varchar(3)

We can *not* reject this as containing duplicate column names, else we
have certainly violated rule 27.  Now what will you do with

        SELECT fooBar FROM tab;

?  The spec is unquestionably on the side of "you selected the varchar
column"; historical Postgres practice is on the side of "you selected
the int column".  AFAICS a case-insensitive approach would have to
fail with some "I can't identify which column you mean" error.  I am
interested to see where you find support for that in the spec...


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