Joshua D. Drake wrote:
> >  I remember the president of Great Bridge
> > saying that the company needs the community, but not visa-vera --- if
> > the company dies, the community keeps going (as it did after Great
> > Bridge, without a hickup), but if the community dies, the company dies
> > too. 
> I 95% agree here. If EDB or CMD were go to down in flames, it could hurt
> the community quite a bit. It isn't that the community wouldn't go on,
> but that it would definitely negatively affect the productivity of the
> community for "n" amount of time.

The assumption is that other companies would jump in to support the paid
individuals affected by the company closings.  If that didn't happen,
there would be an effect, yes.

> >  Also, the community is developing the software at a rate that
> > almost no other company can match, so again the company is kind of in
> > toe if they are working with the community process.  For example, the
> > community is not submitting patches for the company to approve.
> Agreed.
> > 
> > I do think I need to add a more generous outreach to companies in the
> > article, explaining how valuable they are to the community, so let me
> > work on that and I will post when I have an update.
> Cool, that is what I was really looking for.

Yes, the original was pretty negative, and the end of it was very
negative, I felt.

  Bruce Momjian   [EMAIL PROTECTED]

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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