On Jan 2, 2007, at 7:18 AM, Tom Lane wrote:

Peter Eisentraut <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
Am Mittwoch, 27. Dezember 2006 02:56 schrieb Euler Taveira de Oliveira:
This simple patch lets someone specifies the xlog directory at initdb time. It uses symlinks to do it, and create and/or set permissions at
the directory as appropriate.

We already had this functionality in initdb a few versions ago. Did you
review why it was removed?

The discussion thread seems to start here:


As best I can tell the objections came from the fact that Thomas had
implemented it as a postmaster-start-time switch, which made it a
foot-gun because you could mistakenly start the postmaster with a
different XLOG than you were using before.  That would not apply to a
symlink-made-by-initdb approach.  All this is doing is formalizing
something we already suggest people do by hand...

I guess the downside there is that it won't work on platforms that don't support symlinks, whereas the postmaster switch would. Not that I condone using such platforms ;^)


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