Andrew Dunstan wrote:
Gavin Sherry wrote:
With PLM, you could test patches against various code branches. I'd
guessed Mark would want to provide this capability. Pulling branches from
anonvcvs regularly might be burdensome bandwidth-wise. So, like you say, a
local mirror would be beneficial for patch testing.

I think you're missing the point. Buildfarm members already typically have
or can get very cheaply a copy of each branch they build (HEAD and/or
REL*_*_STABLE).  As long as the patch feed is kept to just patches which
they can apply there should be no great bandwidth issues.

yeah - another thing to consider is that switching to a different scm repository qould put quite a burden on the buildfarm admins (most of those are not that easily available for the more esotheric platforms for example). I'm also not sure how useful it would be to test patches against branches other then HEAD - new and complex patches will only get applied on HEAD anyway ...


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