Tom Lane wrote:
"Dave Page" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
From: Tom Lane <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>
I think forking a separate
pg_dump for each database is a perfectly fine arrangement, and should be
left alone.

Hmm, would you be happy with my original proposal to add an append option to 

I don't object to it in principle, but I think a bit more thought is
needed as to what's the goal.  A stupid "append" option would be enough
for pg_dumpall's current capabilities (ie, text output only) --- but is
it reasonable to consider generalizing -Fc and -Ft modes to deal with
multiple databases, and if so how would that need to change pg_dump's
API?  (I'm not at all sure this is feasible, but let's think about it
before plastering warts onto pg_dump, not after.)

Hmm, OK. I'll need to have a good look at the code before I can even think about commenting on that, which will have to wait until after I've finished bundling releases.

Regards, Dave

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