On Fri, Jan 12, 2007 at 10:49:53AM +0100, Zeugswetter Andreas ADI SD wrote:
> > > I find it very unlikely that you would "during normal operations"
> end up
> > > in a situation where you would first have permissions to create
> files in
> > > a directory, and then lose them.
> > > What could be is that you have a directory where you never had
> > > permissions to create the file in the first place.
> > 
> > > Any chance to differentiate between these?
> > 
> > The cases we're concerned about involve access to an existing file,
> not
> > attempts to create a new one, so I'm not clear what your point is.
> I am wondering if we can delete the file by opening it with
> FILE_FLAG_DELETE_ON_CLOSE, and immediately close it again. 
> The semantics should be clear if we let the OS delete the file after the
> last handle on it is closed ? 
> Until all handles are closed another process can still open it with 
> FILE_SHARE_DELETE (according to docs), but not without the flag.
> This seems to be what we want.
> http://msdn.microsoft.com/library/default.asp?url=/library/en-us/fileio/
> fs/createfile.asp
> If this fails (see the loop in dirmod.c) we could try to move it to
> the recycle bin with SHFileOperation with FO_DELETE.
> It seems the win unlink is not implemented correctly and we need to
> replace it.
> I don't feel easy with the ignore EACCES idea. 
> Should I try to supply a patch along this line ?

Doesn't sound unreasonable, so yes, let's give it a try at least.


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