Alvaro Herrera wrote:
> Tom Lane wrote:
>> Alvaro Herrera <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>>> Now, if some Windows-enabled person could step forward so that we can
>>> suggest some tests to run, that would be great.  Perhaps the solution to
>>> the problem is to relax the conditions a little, so that two scans are
>>> accepted on that table instead of only one; but it would be good to
>>> confirm whether the stat system is really working and it's really still
>>> counting stuff as it's supposed to do.
>> No, you misread it: the check is for at least one new event, not exactly
>> one.
> Doh :-(
>> We've been seeing this intermittently for a long time, but it sure seems
>> that autovac has raised the probability greatly.  That's pretty odd.
>> If it's a timing thing, why are all and only the Windows machines
>> affected?  Could it be that autovac is sucking all the spare cycles
>> and keeping the stats collector from running?
> Hmm, that could explain it, but it's strange that only Windows machines
> are affected.  Maybe it's a scheduler issue, and the Unix machines are
> able to let pgstat do some work but Windows are not.

maybe not only windows boxes:


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