On Tuesday 27 February 2007 13:50, Andrew Dunstan wrote:
> You know, you can prune what is rsynced.

I am not sure why you brought this up, but yes I did know this.

> my rsync line looks like this:
>   rsync -avzCH --delete --exclude-from=/home/cvsmirror/pg-exclude
> anoncvs.postgresql.org::pgsql-cvs /home/cvsmirror/pg
> and the exclude file has these four lines:
>   /sup/
>   /CVSROOT/loginfo*
>   /CVSROOT/commitinfo*
>   /CVSROOT/config*

This setup prunes 1.25MB.

Are you suggesting that I prune this from the conversion?

Warren Turkal (w00t)

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