> Dennis Bjorklund <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:

>> What is the reason to keep it?
> The words-of-one-syllable answer is that D'Arcy Cain is still willing
> to put work into supporting the money type, and if it still gets the
> job done for him then it probably gets the job done for some other
> people too.
> Personally, as a former currency trader I've not seen any proposals on
> this list for a "money" type that I'd consider 100% feature complete.
> The unit-identification part of it is interesting, but pales into
> insignificance compared to the problem that the unit values vary
> constantly

The unit (currency) part is what I don't like about the money type.

To have a fast and size limited fixed point type is something I think is
good. It could very well be called money if we want to or we can give it a
more neutral name.


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