Simon Riggs wrote:
We can certainly provide a different view, or sort it by system name, but I'm not sure that will actually show you what you want. If you want to see the history on a particular system/branch, there is a separate page for that - just click the system's name on the dashboard and it takes you there. The URL is:<systemname>&br=<branchtag>

Nearly, but I'm not interested in individual systems.

I'd like to see "which releases of Fedora build OK" or "what AIX
versions work with the latest stable release?". That requires me to
locate the systems which run AIX, which can only be determined by
scanning the whole list.

Not bothered what the UI is, just want to improve the value of the
information that has been generated.

OK - I did a quick addition. If you add a sortby parameter to the query it will sort case insensitively (within each branch, still) on the following

name, or
os/version, or


Any other value, or a missing parameter, gives the current snapshot sort.

If that does what you want we can build in some links for them (probably on column headings, as Michael suggests).



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