Gregory Stark wrote:

In any case I think Simon and you have fallen into the trap of thinking of
development as a single-person project. Most developers here, especially
first-time contributors, don't just work in the dark on their own and turn up
with a finished patch. They have questions and need help in areas. If you
insist on a "finished" patch before you even consider reviewing their work
it's not going to work.

This isn't about "finished" patches. It's about "commit-worthy" patches, and since the term is very subjective, there has to be some way for an arbiter to be able to say that such a patch is worth committing. And I think the arbiter should not come from any of the two opposing sides with diametrically opposed claims or opinions.

Thank you very much.

Best Regards,


Carlo Florendo
Softare Engineer/Network Co-Administrator
Astra Philippines Inc.
UP-Ayala Technopark, Diliman 1101, Quezon City

The Astra Group of Companies
5-3-11 Sekido, Tama City
Tokyo 206-0011, Japan

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