I wrote:
> ... should we revel
> in configurability, and allow CREATE TABLE/ALTER TABLE behavior to vary
> depending on the current threshold setting?  We'd have to fix the
> toaster routines to not try to push stuff out-of-line when there is no
> out-of-line to push to ... but I think we probably had better do that
> anyway for robustness, if we're allowing any variability at all in these
> numbers.

Actually, upon looking closely at the toast code, it already does the
right thing when there's no toast table.  Good on someone for getting
that right.  But we still need to think about whether it's sane for
CREATE/ALTER TABLE to condition the create-a-toast-table decision on
a parameter that may now be changeable.

                        regards, tom lane

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings

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