On 4/25/07, Gustavo Tonini <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
On 4/24/07, Marko Kreen <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> On 4/23/07, Heikki Linnakangas <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Oh, you're talking about distributing partitions across different nodes
> > and parallelizing queries. No, we don't do that today.
> PL/Proxy actually works like that, only in smaller scope -
> for function calls only.

I think that proposed funcionalities cannot be implemented in a PL scope...

Oh, sure.  PL/proxy just proves if you can adhere to specific coding-style
- all db access goes via functions - you can solve the problem today,
with simple tools.  You dont need even PL/proxy for that, any PL that
can do connections (plpython, plperl, ..) can be used for proxy functions.
PL/proxy just makes it so much easier.

Function based DB API can give additional benefits:
- easy upgradeablility
- easy to change db structure without apps knowing
- easy to monitor/audit

And ofcourse:
- if database hits hardware limits, you can replace all functions
with PLproxy functions and spread data over several partitions.

I think most OLTP apps can be designed around db-functions, with OLAP
it will be bit harder, but there it is less critical also.


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