I think this is the apprach joshua tried the first time and it backfired... I 
think we need a more personal approach.  I'm willing to put time into this if 
people want a new point man (I don't think Joshua will mind, lmk if you do) 
but it will have to wait untill after pgcon. 

On Thursday 03 May 2007 15:12, Chris Ryan wrote:
>     I was just getting ready to suggest such an approach. We could
> email all the project admins for the reamaining projects with the
> dead-line. Backup the information and tell people who to contact in
> order to claim whatever information they want. Once the dead-line is
> past you can simply shutdown all the gborg services. Those who don't
> claim their information either have already moved someplace else or
> don't care about what is on gborg anymore.
>    Additionally if it were desired we could place tarballs of the
> cvsrepositories and whatever download files where uploaded for each
> project on some ftp server if anyone was interested in preserving that
> ifnormation for posterity.
>    It would not be difficult for me to get a list of email addresses
> and project names of those admins on gborg.
> Chris Ryan
> --- "Marc G. Fournier" <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> > Hash: SHA1
> >
> >
> > Why not just send a notice out stated that Gborg will be shutdown as
> > of June
> > 1st ... give a finite deadline to move things over to pgfoundry ...
> > just
> > because we 'shut down' the site on June 1st, it doesn't mean we are
> > going to
> > wipe it all out, we can just put a Redirect on the web server on
> > gborg over to
> > pgfoundry so that ppl can't go *to* gborg's web site ... we can also
> > make the
> > CVS 'read-only', so that developers can't update the CVS there, but
> > ppl can
> > still download the code ...
> >
Robert Treat
Build A Brighter LAMP :: Linux Apache {middleware} PostgreSQL

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