Karel Gardas wrote:
> Hello,
> first of all, I've tried to ask on pgsql-general mailing list as advised,
> but no answer.
> I'd like to look at a possibility of integrating OpenPMF
> (http://www.openpmf.org) with the PostgreSQL. There is a possibility to
> have a "weak" integration by using a provided rule system and SQL, but
> this way we would lose central management functionality of OpenPMF,
> especially its policy violation notifications and we'll need to
> synchronize rules with policies from time to time. So now I think about
> how to directly integrate some kind of OpenPMF policy enforcement point
> into the PostgreSQL. For this I would need some access control hook inside
> PostgreSQL which would be called on every action and my PEP would get a
> chance to deny some access. Is there anything like that supported in the
> PostgreSQL?

Exactly what is "open" about this product other than the name? It looks
closed and proprietary to me.



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TIP 6: explain analyze is your friend

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