On 8/2/07, Hannu Krosing <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> wrote:
> Ühel kenal päeval, N, 2007-08-02 kell 11:24, kirjutas Rohit Khare:
> > I used NPGSQL .NET driver to connect PGSQL 8.2.4 database to VB.NET.
> > As stated on NPGSQL page, it doesn't seem to provide seamless
> > integration and performance with .NET. Instead when I used ODBC, the
> > performance was comparatively better. What's the reason? When can we
> > expect .NET driver that provides seamless integration.
> What kind of "seamless integration" are you looking for ?

The .net data provider is not as good when working with typed datasets
in terms of support from the ide.  Normally for other providers the
IDE does everything for you, writing update statements and  such in a
ORM fashion.   This is kind of a pain for some of the report designers
and other things that want to work with a typed set.  It's possible to
work around this, it's just a pain, and changes with each release of
visual studio.  Also, the connection pooling portions are buggy
(google LOG: incomplete startup packet).

The ODBC driver works pretty good actually.  I can't speak about the
performance though.


---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 9: In versions below 8.0, the planner will ignore your desire to
       choose an index scan if your joining column's datatypes do not

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