Hi Andrew,

Thank for the reply.

In both cases, the database clusters were created like this:

initdb ---locale=c --encoding=utf8;

That seems most unlikely - without the superfluous dash it should set both lc_collate and lc_ctype to C.

Ah, sorry, that was a typo.  If you actually try it:

C:\WINDOWS\system32>initdb ---locale=C --encoding=utf8 c:\data_msvcc3
initdb: illegal option -- -locale=C

Please try the following in both cases:

initdb --no-locale --encoding=utf8 data
pg_controldata data | grep LC_

If it doesn't show this:

LC_COLLATE:                           C
LC_CTYPE:                             C

then that's a bug.

With MSYS build:

initdb --no-locale --encoding=utf8 c:\data_msys

C:\WINDOWS\system32>pg_controldata c:\data_msys | grep LC_
LC_COLLATE:                           C
LC_CTYPE:                             C

[connect to postgres database]
show lc_collate                       C
show lc_ctype                         C

> create database test with encoding='utf8'

[switch to postgres database]
show lc_collate                       C
show lc_ctype                         C

With VC++ build:

initdb --no-locale --encoding=utf8 c:\data_msvcc

C:\WINDOWS\system32>pg_controldata c:\data_msvcc | grep LC_
LC_COLLATE:                           C
LC_CTYPE:                             C

show lc_collate                       C
show lc_ctype                         C

> create database test with encoding='utf8'

[switch to postgres database]
show lc_collate                       C
show lc_ctype                         C

Ok, so this works.

And if I use --locale=C for initdb it gives the same answers.

Are you by any chance loading a library that calls setlocale() ?

Hmm. Its postgresql 8.2.4 + tsearch2 + tree + postgis. postgis in turn loads proj4 and geos. I grepped through those 3 libraries source code and did not find any calls to setlocale. So I don't think so.

So now I'm confused - if I go back to my other cluster that I originally wrote about (created with the MSVC++ build also) and create a database it has a different lc_collate (English_United States.1252"). Could this be from the dump/reload?


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