Tom Lane wrote:
> Gregory Stark <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > How would that happen if there wasn't a tsquery type?
> I don't think Bruce is suggesting that the search operand can really
> be plain text (or if he is, he's nuts).  The question here is whether

Yes, that is what I was suggesting because as I mentioned TEXT already
functions fine as tsquery.

> there's really a need for a distinction between tsvector and tsquery
> datatypes; could we have tsvector serve both purposes instead?
> I can see that there are differences: tsquery can tell the difference
> between "x AND y" and "x OR y", whereas tsvector just knows "x, y".
> A superset datatype that can do both is certainly possible, but whether
> it's practical, or would be easier to use than the current design,
> I dunno.

Because of the special behavior of & and |, I assume tsquery and
tsvector cannot be the same data type.

> Perhaps a suitable analogy is regexp pattern matching.  Traditionally
> regexps are conceived of as strings, but if they'd originated in more
> strongly typed languages than they did, they'd certainly be thought
> of as a distinct data type.  Had we implemented ~ as taking a right
> operand of type 'regexp', we could win on a number of levels: entry-time
> syntax checking for regexps, and a precompiled internal representation,
> for instance.  For regexps it seems clear to me that the target text
> string and the pattern really are different datatypes, and fuzzing that
> distinction is not an improvement.

Yes, this is a good analogy.

  Bruce Momjian  <[EMAIL PROTECTED]>

  + If your life is a hard drive, Christ can be your backup. +

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