The core of the debugger has been in use for quite some time, but I had to strip out a lot of EDB-specific code and I'd like to see that the result (the open-source version at pgFoundry) holds up well on other platforms.
Josh, any chance you could try it out on Solaris?

I copied the latest from pgFoundry to my contrib folder (pg 8.2.1) and executed 'make; make install'. I get the following errors on OS X 10.4.10:

Sorry about that John, there's a fix for this problem (it's an 8.2 versus 8.3 issue) in the CVS repository. I thought I had rolled a new tarball after committing the fix but I guess not.

You can pull the latest plugin_profiler.c from: <>

or just comment out the plugin_profiler from your Makefile; change:
   PLUGINS = plugin_debugger plugin_profiler # plugin_tracer
   PLUGINS = plugin_debugger # plugin_profiler plugin_tracer

I'll try to roll up a new tarball Wednesday or Thursday.

            -- Korry

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