> Tatsuo Ishii <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
> > If you regard the unicode code point as simply a number, why not
> > regard the multibyte characters as a number too?
> Because there's a standard specifying the Unicode code points *as
> numbers*.  The mapping from those numbers to UTF8 strings (and other
> representations) is well-defined by the standard.
> > Also I'm wondering you what we should do with different
> > backend/frontend encoding combo.
> Nothing.  chr() has always worked with reference to the database
> encoding, and we should keep it that way.

Where is it documented?

> BTW, it strikes me that there is another hole that we need to plug in
> this area, and that's the convert() function.  Being able to create
> a value of type text that is not in the database encoding is simply
> broken.  Perhaps we could make it work on bytea instead (providing
> a cast from text to bytea but not vice versa), or maybe we should just
> forbid the whole thing if the database encoding isn't SQL_ASCII.

Please don't do that. It will break an usefull use case of convert().

A user has a database encoded in UTF-8. He has English, French,
Chinese  and Japanese data in tables. To sort the tables in the
language order, he will do like this:

SELECT * FROM japanese_table ORDER BY convert(japanese_text using 

Without using convert(), he will get random order of data. This is
because Kanji characters are in random order in UTF-8, while Kanji
characters are reasonably ordered in EUC_JP.
Tatsuo Ishii
SRA OSS, Inc. Japan

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