I just saw that my buildfarm member (running ICC 9.0 on linux) failed
after the latest change to configure


I was the one who sent in the first patch to configure to add the check
for ICC, and as I recall at the time, the docs said -fno-strict-aliasing
was the default (which is why I said "not sure if this is needed" in the
comment).  I don't know what -fno-alias does, but I think it means that
the program does not do aliasing at all.  The docs say "You must
specify -fno-alias if you do not want aliasing to be assumed in the
program"  The true option for -fno-strict-aliasing is -ansi-alias-
"disable use of ANSI aliasing rules in optimizations".  But this is the

Help me, I'm a prisoner in a Fortune cookie file!

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