Tom Lane wrote:
andy <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
the operator = is not the 'normal =' is it? Its the 'tsearch2 =', right?
That one probably is, but how is your sed script going to distinguish it
from other user-defined '=' operators that might be in the dump?
Do I need to worry about sed with window's users?
I think sed is available but not normally installed on Windows.
Unfortunately the same could be said of any other tool you might choose,
so that's probably not a reason not to use it.
regards, tom lane
Oh man... Ok, do you want to go as far as extracting just one operator,
and pulling out its PROCEDURE name?
For one of the ='s, I put just its line to the file x:
1122; 2617 98020 OPERATOR public = andy
Then ran:
[EMAIL PROTECTED]:/pub/back$ pg_restore -Fc -L x vcstimes.bak
-- PostgreSQL database dump
SET client_encoding = 'LATIN1';
SET standard_conforming_strings = off;
SET check_function_bodies = false;
SET client_min_messages = warning;
SET escape_string_warning = off;
SET search_path = public, pg_catalog;
-- Name: =; Type: OPERATOR; Schema: public; Owner: andy
PROCEDURE = tsquery_eq,
LEFTARG = tsquery,
RIGHTARG = tsquery,
RESTRICT = eqsel,
JOIN = eqjoinsel
ALTER OPERATOR public.= (tsquery, tsquery) OWNER TO andy;
-- PostgreSQL database dump complete
I could grep out the PROCEDURE line and see if it looks tsearch2'ish.
If you want to go that route, its starting to sound beyond sed, would
perl be ok?
---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
TIP 5: don't forget to increase your free space map settings