Tom Lane wrote:
> Magnus Hagander <[EMAIL PROTECTED]> writes:
>> I was planning to make it even easier and let Windows do the job for us,
>> just using RegisterWaitForSingleObject(). Does the same - one thread per
>> 64 backends, but we don't have to deal with the queueing ourselves.
>> Should be rather trivial to do.
> How can that possibly work?  Backends have to be able to run
> concurrently, and I don't see how they'll do that if they share a stack.

We're not talking about the backends, we're talking about the backend
waiter threads whose sole purpose is to wait for a backend to die and
then raise a signal when it does. We can easily have the kernel wait for
a whole bunch of them at once, and have it call our callback function
whenever anyone of them dies.


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