Please send us all of the issues you have or know about.  Just providing 
examples of some of the problems will only get fixes for some of the 
problems.  What would be really useful is a list of all the issues you 
know about.  That way they can end up on the TODO list and get addressed.


Ricardo Maia wrote:

> For example when I call the method:
> DatabaseMetaData.getTypeInfo()
> I whould expect to see the SQL Type BLOB mapped as an oid.
> see attach
> Ricardo Maia
> On Wednesday 01 August 2001 23:29, Rene Pijlman wrote:
>>On Wed, 1 Aug 2001 22:49:40 +0100, Ricardo Maia wrote:
>>>The problem is that, as the PostgreSQL JDBC driver doesn't
>>>follow JDBC Standard I had to write some specific code for
>>>use it with PostgreSQL DB.
>>So what exactly are the deviations from the standard that you
>>René Pijlman
>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>TIP 1: subscribe and unsubscribe commands go to [EMAIL PROTECTED]
>>package databasetest;
>>import java.sql.*;
>>public class GetTypesInfo {
>>  public static void main(String args[ ]) {
>>    String url = "jdbc:postgresql://";
>>    Connection con;
>>    DatabaseMetaData dbmd;
>>    try {
>>      Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
>>    } catch(java.lang.ClassNotFoundException e) {
>>      System.err.print("ClassNotFoundException: ");
>>      System.err.println(e.getMessage());
>>    }
>>    try {
>>      con = DriverManager.getConnection(url,"bobby", "tareco");
>>      dbmd = con.getMetaData();
>>      ResultSet rs = dbmd.getTypeInfo();
>>      while ( {
>>        String typeName = rs.getString("TYPE_NAME");
>>        short dataType = rs.getShort("DATA_TYPE");
>>        String createParams = rs.getString("CREATE_PARAMS");
>>        int nullable = rs.getInt("NULLABLE");
>>        boolean caseSensitive = rs.getBoolean("CASE_SENSITIVE");
>>        if(dataType != java.sql.Types.OTHER)
>>        {
>>          System.out.println("DBMS type " + typeName + ":");
>>          System.out.println("     java.sql.Types:  "  + typeName(dataType));
>>          System.out.print("     parameters used to create: ");
>>          System.out.println(createParams);
>>          System.out.println("     nullable?:  "  + nullable);
>>          System.out.print("     case sensitive?:  ");
>>          System.out.println(caseSensitive);
>>          System.out.println("");
>>        }
>>      }
>>      con.close();
>>    } catch(SQLException ex) {
>>      System.err.println("SQLException: " + ex.getMessage());
>>    }
>>  }
>>  public static String typeName(int i)
>>  {
>>    switch(i){
>>      case java.sql.Types.ARRAY: return "ARRAY";
>>      case java.sql.Types.BIGINT: return "BIGINT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.BINARY: return "BINARY";
>>      case java.sql.Types.BIT: return "BIT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.BLOB: return "BLOB";
>>      case java.sql.Types.CHAR: return "CHAR";
>>      case java.sql.Types.CLOB: return "CLOB";
>>      case java.sql.Types.DATE: return "DATE";
>>      case java.sql.Types.DECIMAL: return "DECIMAL";
>>      case java.sql.Types.DISTINCT: return "DISTINCT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.DOUBLE: return "DOUBLE";
>>      case java.sql.Types.FLOAT: return "FLOAT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.INTEGER: return "INTEGER";
>>      case java.sql.Types.JAVA_OBJECT: return "JAVA_OBJECT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.LONGVARBINARY: return "LONGVARBINARY";
>>      case java.sql.Types.LONGVARCHAR: return "LONGVARCHAR";
>>      case java.sql.Types.NULL: return "NULL";
>>      case java.sql.Types.NUMERIC: return "NUMERIC";
>>      case java.sql.Types.OTHER: return "OTHER";
>>      case java.sql.Types.REAL: return "REAL";
>>      case java.sql.Types.REF: return "REF";
>>      case java.sql.Types.SMALLINT: return "SMALLINT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.STRUCT: return "STRUCT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.TIME: return "TIME";
>>      case java.sql.Types.TIMESTAMP: return "TIMESTAMP";
>>      case java.sql.Types.TINYINT: return "TINYINT";
>>      case java.sql.Types.VARBINARY: return "VARBINARY";
>>      case java.sql.Types.VARCHAR: return "VARCHAR";
>>      default: return "";
>>    }
>>  }
>>---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
>>TIP 5: Have you checked our extensive FAQ?
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>> text/x-java
>> Content-Encoding:
>> base64
>> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
>> Part 1.3
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>> text/plain
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