On Sat, Aug 11, 2001 at 01:13:34AM +0200, Rene Pijlman wrote:
> I'm not sure if this is true. The JDBC book
> (http://java.sun.com/docs/books/jdbc/) says in the description
> of supportsStoredProcedures: "checks whether this database
> supports stored procedure calls using the stored procedure
> escape syntax". And in section A.1.3: "... must be supported by
> a JDBC Compliant driver... Where appropriate, an escape syntax
> must be included for stored procedures, ...". I see no mention
> of J2EE with respect to this requirement.

Ok, I see what you're looking at. However, the book states the escapes
should only be supported when the underlying DBMS supports them and that
escape syntaxes must be included for stored procedures etc where
appropriate. Does PostgreSQL support stored procedures using a stored
procedures escape syntax? If yes, we should return yes, if no, we should
return no until that functionality is added. Both cases are allowed,
AFAICS. The book doesn't mention that drivers should always return true
for this procedure.

> >In general, I think that better checking for
> >unavailable metadata can be done.
> I'm not sure what you mean by that. But maybe I'm the problem,
> its getting late :-)

Actually, I'm not sure what I was saying anymore .. :P never mind this
statement until I figure it out myself :)

> Hmmm... what book are you refering to? I have the "Java 2 EE
> Platform and Components Specifications", but it doesn't have a
> section

"Java 2 EE Specification, v1.2"


Liam Stewart :: Red Hat Canada, Ltd. :: [EMAIL PROTECTED]

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