
There is a bug in this patch.  In the rollback case, you have:

 > !      ExecSQL("rollback; begin"+getIsolationLevelSQL());

You are missing a semicolon after the begin.


Dave Cramer wrote:
> Here is a revised patch with Barry's suggestions implemented
> Dave
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Index: Connection.java
> ===================================================================
> RCS file: 
> retrieving revision 1.26
> diff -c -r1.26 Connection.java
> *** Connection.java   2001/08/24 16:50:12     1.26
> --- Connection.java   2001/09/04 17:21:29
> ***************
> *** 906,912 ****
>       if (autoCommit)
>           ExecSQL("end");
>       else {
> !         ExecSQL("begin; " + getIsolationLevelSQL());
>       }
>       this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
>       }
> --- 906,917 ----
>       if (autoCommit)
>           ExecSQL("end");
>       else {
> !           if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1")){
> !             ExecSQL("begin;"+getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !           }else{
> !         ExecSQL("begin");
> !         ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !           }
>       }
>       this.autoCommit = autoCommit;
>       }
> ***************
> *** 935,941 ****
>       public void commit() throws SQLException {
>       if (autoCommit)
>           return;
> !     ExecSQL("commit; begin; " + getIsolationLevelSQL());
>       }
>       /**
> --- 940,952 ----
>       public void commit() throws SQLException {
>       if (autoCommit)
>           return;
> !     if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1")){
> !       ExecSQL("commit;begin;"+getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !     }else{
> !       ExecSQL("commit");
> !       ExecSQL("begin");
> !       ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !         }
>       }
>       /**
> ***************
> *** 949,955 ****
>       public void rollback() throws SQLException {
>       if (autoCommit)
>           return;
> !     ExecSQL("rollback; begin; " + getIsolationLevelSQL());
>       }
>       /**
> --- 960,972 ----
>       public void rollback() throws SQLException {
>       if (autoCommit)
>           return;
> !     if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1")){
> !       ExecSQL("rollback; begin"+getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !     }else{
> !       ExecSQL("rollback");
> !       ExecSQL("begin");
> !       ExecSQL(getIsolationLevelSQL());
> !     }
>       }
>       /**
> ***************
> *** 1035,1055 ****
>       if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1")) {
>             return "";
>           }
>       switch(isolationLevel) {
>           case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
> !             q = q + " READ COMMITTED";
>                   break;
>           case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
> !             q = q + " SERIALIZABLE";
>                   break;
>           default:
>               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",new 
>       }
> !         return q;
>       }
>       /**
> --- 1052,1072 ----
>       if (haveMinimumServerVersion("7.1")) {
>             return "";
>           }
> !     StringBuffer sb = new StringBuffer("SET TRANSACTION ISOLATION LEVEL");
>       switch(isolationLevel) {
>           case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_READ_COMMITTED:
> !             sb.append(" READ COMMITTED");
>                   break;
>           case java.sql.Connection.TRANSACTION_SERIALIZABLE:
> !             sb.append(" SERIALIZABLE");
>                   break;
>           default:
>               throw new PSQLException("postgresql.con.isolevel",new 
>       }
> !         return sb.toString();
>       }
>       /**
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> ---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
> TIP 6: Have you searched our list archives?
> http://www.postgresql.org/search.mpl
> Connection.patch
> Content-Type:
> text/plain
> Content-Encoding:
> 7bit
> ------------------------------------------------------------------------
> Part 1.3
> Content-Type:
> text/plain
> Content-Encoding:
> binary

---------------------------(end of broadcast)---------------------------
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