Vic Cekvenich wrote:

> I used a driver from , the latest driver I 
> could find w/ JDK1.3 and a simple CachedRowSet from SUN Devlopers 
> connection.
> It will not update via AcceptChages.
> Error is This methos is not yet implementd.
> Can someone help me update a tabe using JDBC plz? Please cc [EMAIL PROTECTED]
> TIA,
> Vic
> PS:
> My source code:
> import sun.jdbc.rowset.*;
> // get it from Java Developer's Connection
> // or look at Appendix Download
> import java.sql.*;
> import org.postgresql.*;
> public class pimRDB {
> public static void main (String args[])
> {
> try
> {
> CachedRowSet crs = new CachedRowSet();
> // row set is better than ResultSet,
> // configure driver, read more in book JDBC Database Access  :
> Class.forName("org.postgresql.Driver");
> crs.setUrl("jdbc:postgresql://localhost/template1");
> // yours should not be localhost, but
> //an IP address of DBS server. The 5432 is the IP port
> crs.setUsername("sysdba");
> crs.setPassword("sysdba");
> //select
> crs.setCommand("select NAM from NAM where PK = ?");
> crs.setTableName("NAM");
> // use your field names
> crs.setInt(1, 8);
> // pass the first argument to the select command to
> // retrieve PK id of Name #8, the 8th name entered
> crs.execute();
> //get the field value
> String nam = crs.getString("NAM");
> System.out.println(nam);
> // repeat
> crs.updateString("NAM","Vic");
> crs.acceptChanges();
> //select
> crs.setCommand("select NAM from NAM where PK = ?");
> // use your field names
> crs.setInt(1, 8);
> // pass the first argument to the select command to
> // retrieve PK id of Name #8, the 8th name entered
> crs.execute();
> //get the field value
> nam = crs.getString("NAM");
> System.out.println(nam);
> } // try
> catch (Exception e)   {System.out.println(e);} // catch
> }// main
> }// class
> //Optional: Make the program take an argument
> //of the PK for the record it should retrieve

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